Top 6 Useful Habit Tracking Apps: Best Life Saving Habit Tracking Apps You Need In 2022

Habits rule our life every day. These routines and the tiny ways you do things make up your routines and habits. Many people are surprised to learn that they don’t know what their habits are.

It’s possible that some behaviours, such as smoking, are actually harmful to your health. Meanwhile, bad work habits such as procrastination hurt your career and job prospects.

As a result, it is imperative that you take back control of your life. It’s difficult to break bad habits because most individuals do it without even thinking about it.

To help you achieve your goals, keep track of your routines, and overcome your bad habits, there are a plethora of free habit tracking applications accessible.

Maintaining focus on your goals is easier with the help of a habit-tracking website or app like the finest one. It can also serve as a reminder of how far you’ve come and how far you still have to go.

You can use an app that has a lot of functionality, or you can use a simple habit tracker with a lot of useful features here.

So, now the question is

What Are Some Of The Best Apps For Tracking Habits?

1. Habitify

Top 6 Useful Habit Tracking Apps

You can use Habitify if you’re a data geek. Habitify’s user interface and process are simple to understand. This is a great tool for keeping track of your progress because it reminds you numerous times a day (if that’s what you prefer).

Besides that, it provides a plethora of performance data that may be used to gauge your progress over time. Data helps you discover trends and manipulate your own psychology so that you can stay on track toward your goals.

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2. StickK.

Top 6 Useful Habit Tracking Apps

Yale University behavioural economists helped to design StickK. It’s possible to stake money on your own success by joining up and committing to your goals with the app.

If you need a little extra encouragement, you can have a friend or family member check up on your progress.

To keep yourself motivated, you may use a unique commitment contract idea like this. An extensive body of evidence supports this claim; the software is built on Thaler’s nudge theory concepts.

Besides that, the app’s design is appealing and intriguing.

3. Momentum Habit Tracker

Top 6 Useful Habit Tracking Apps

Those who want to keep track of their habits and routines may find this software extremely useful.

When you use Momentum, you can export your data into an Excel sheet, which enables you to see your progress on any device. Additionally, you can set weekly goals and make notes to better manage your routines and behaviours.

It’s terrible that Momentum isn’t available on Android because it’s one of the best applications on this list for Apple devices. In spite of this, Momentum’s profile may be readily incorporated into the iCloud.

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Top 6 Useful Habit Tracking Apps

If you’re ready to go all-in, this is a terrific habit tracker tool. You can engage with personal trainers in addition to the basic habit tracking features seen in other apps.

As an added bonus, the community is here to help. Knowing the value of connecting with others is intuitive if you’ve ever shared a gym or office space with someone. With this app, you’ll be able to track your progress, receive guidance, and gain a new perspective.

A desktop, an iOS or an Android device can all be used to keep track of your daily routine.

5. Habitica

Top 6 Useful Habit Tracking Apps

This one’s for you, fellow gamers. Habitica is a virtual role-playing game that serves as a digital habit tracker (RPG). In the virtual world of Second Life, your activities have an impact on the life of your avatar.

You can level up to gain rewards and gain access to other options. You and your friends can even take on monsters together. More than four million Habiticans must think so as well (and effective).

A desktop, an iOS or an Android device can all be used to keep track of your daily routine.

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6. Productive Habit Tracker

Top 6 Useful Habit Tracking Apps

Do you want to know how to keep track of your habits? It is for you that we have developed this software. It’s easy to keep tabs on your behaviours with Productive’s basic, yet smartly designed UI. As a result of its simple layout, you may begin making plans right away.

This software, despite its modest appearance, is filled with useful functionality. You may also keep track of your accomplishments using this app. Your development and improvement will be clearly visible with this method. This is a great way to stay inspired.

The Most Important Points to Remember

You may finally increase your output now that you are aware of the greatest habit-tracking apps. The greatest habit tracker is only one part of the puzzle when it comes to creating lasting habits. To get the best outcomes, you must also have the correct mindset.